Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism | VPRO Documentary

Europe's off the Rails | VPRO Documentary

Death, is it something to worry about? | VPRO Documentary

No Google Streetview in Germany | VPRO Documentary

How Facebook can predict users' behavior | #short

Yuval Noah Harari about conspiracy theories | VPRO Documentary

Don't go to Europe | VPRO Documentary

Wall Street Data Goldrush | VPRO Documentary

The connecting bridge | VPRO Documentary

The World according to China | VPRO Documentary

vpro world stories channel trailer

Food for Thought | VPRO Documentary #shorts

The sun belongs to everyone | VPRO Documentary #shorts

ASML's Secret: An exclusive view from inside the global semiconductor giant | VPRO Documentary

Spying in Germany, Then and Now | VPRO Documentary

The next episode of Straight through Africa | VPRO Documentary

Is Taiwan a part of China? | VPRO Documentary

How education became businesslike | VPRO Documentary

Leaving Bulgaria | VPRO Documentary

Sudan Archives: live session VG Buiten Spelen

VPRO Documentary channel trailer

Technology as religion | VPRO Documentary

Cuba: the wifi generation | VPRO Documentary

How Facebook reads our photo's | #short